New batch of World Changers!
It’s that exciting time of year again – where we open a new school year and receive the next batch of world changers! It is such a joy...
What is Grace for?
A lot of talk today about grace and how far to take it.. Here's my 2 minute take on, "What is Grace for?" What is Grace for? 2 Timothy...
Can you run from your shadow?
It's been an amazing month! My heart is overcome with gratitude at just how amazingly good God has been to us! Our wedding and honeymoon...

New Beginnings!
What an exciting and busy time the last few months have been! Last month was very full in the school as we finished off the year with 3...

A month of Healing!!
Over the years of ministry I have witnessed many miracles and healings take place. But the last year or so I have been longing for more.....

You won't believe the things that are happening
Since arriving back in Indonesia from my teaching trip to Africa I have been focusing on 2 things: the students currently in the school...
Discover the Life in you
About a month ago I was reminded again that we are not simply beings that are alive - but we have the Spirit, the giver of Life in us!!...