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For too long many believers have been scared to step out of the comfort zone of the church walls, usually feeling unable to do anything. This life changing series will guide you step by step on how to partner with the Holy Spirit to step out into a life full of sharing Jesus and even doing the miraculous!


Each session of “Beyond the Walls” is packed with practical stories and tips from real experiences along with eye opening revelation on the incredible Spirit you already have in you! Get ready for a new boldness to let God use your life on a whole new level!



Beyond the Walls

2 CD album


Disc 1: W.O.S (Walk. Open. Stretch)

Disc 2: Signs and Wonders: the Door Openers


For a gift of any amount, you can get the audio copy of this Audio File

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Have you ever wondered what is God’s will for healing? Does He really want every single person well? In this 5 part series, Susan Hoover brings us a life transforming message of God’s amazing healing miracles bought and paid for on the cross by Jesus Christ.

Healing should no longer be thought of as something difficult to obtain or the healing ministry for only a few people. Not only does God want us healed, but to be living in divine health.

An honest, Biblical talk about what are hindrances to healing along with practical tips how simple things that God has shown us can keep us healthy.

Just imagine God has equipped every single believer with the power to be a channel of His healing and miracles. You can discover a whole new life of health and power to do miracles already made available to you!

For a gift of any amount, you can get the audio copy of this 5 Audio Files

  1. Foundations of Healing

  2. How to be Healed

  3. Big faith for Healing

  4. Believers are to live in Health

  5. Being channels of Healing

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Many believers today have a battle with faith, always feeling that they don’t have enough of it. Faith can even seem like something difficult to build up in order to receive things, leaving many people frustrated and feeling unworthy. In this series you will learn the true foundation of faith and that you already have it! You will feel the burdens fall off as you connect with the author and finisher of faith itself and learn how to let it flow through you. With practical tips and stories you will find that walking in faith is the way God intended you to enjoy life daily: it is your new lifestyle.



Faith: your new lifestyle CD Set Description:

  1. Who is Faith

  2. Faith works by love

  3. What makes great faith

  4. Faith in action


For a gift of any amount, you can get the audio copy of this Audio File

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Other Resources

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This half hour message is designed to explain Romans 3 in an easy way for every believer to not only grasp for themselves, but to be able to share with others! Words like "righteousness" are broken down into every day, non-churchy language and examples that simplify this passage for everyone to understand. This is the most basic, yet foundational message that everyone needs to know. And, how great if we know it in a simple way that we can remember and share at any time! 

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Have you sometimes felt that you needed more direction or unsure of God's will?
Susan shares her heartfelt journey while going through a discouraging time and received some needed assurance. 
These words were established in Isaiah 45 that reminds us how God goes before us, preparing the way! 
As Susan shares how these awesome promises come unraveled, it will also inspire you to believe that we can all experience them today. 
Let this message bring hope and direction to you today!

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Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

Sejak awal manusia diciptakan untuk memiliki hubungan dengan Penciptanya, namun menjadi terhambat karena ada penghalang terbesar yaitu dosa.

Dalam 4 file ini Susan Hoover membahas tentang kuasa salib Kristus, mulai dari hal yang paling dasar supaya mudah dimengerti.

Kita juga akan lihat pertukaran besar yang terjadi di salib. Bagaimana kita yang dulu berdosa, jauh, asing, hina, sakit, terkutuk, dan pecundang, kini oleh salib-Nya menjadi orang yang benar, dekat, memiliki hubungan, mulia, sehat, dan lebih dari pemenang!

Tidak hanya sampai disitu, dalam seri ini kita juga akan belajar memandang hidup kita dari kacamata karya salib Kristus supaya bisa aplikasikan salib-Nya dalam hidup kita.


Anda bisa mendapatkan ke-4 rekaman audio dalam seri ini dengan memberikan donasi berapapun jumlahnya.


KUASA SALIB (Power Of The Cross)

1: Jalan kepada Pencipta sudah terbuka

2: Korban Yesus sempurna

3: Pertukaran yang besar

4: Kuasa salib dalam hidup kita

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Pernahkah Anda berpikir seperti apa kehendak Allah tentang kesembuhan? Apakah Ia ingin setiap orang menikmati kesehatan?


Dalam seri ini, Susan Hoover menyampaikan sebuah pesan yang mengubahkan hidup tentang mukjizat kesembuhan Allah yang luar biasa yang telah dibeli dan dibayar lunas di atas kayu salib oleh Yesus Kristus.


Kesembuhan harusnya tidak lagi diajarkan sebagai suatu hal yang sulit  diraih atau juga pelayanan kesembuhan

sepertinya hanya untuk beberapa orang tertentu saja. Allah tidak hanya ingin agar kita sembuh melainkan hidup dalam kesehatan ilahi.


Sebuah pembahasan Alkitab tentang beberapa penghalang untuk kesembuhan serta beberapa kiat tentang beberapa hal sederhana yang ditunjukkan Allah agar kita tetap sehat.


Bayangkan saja, Allah telah memperlengkapi setiap orang percaya dengan kuasa untuk menjadi saluran kesembuhan dan mukjizat-Nya. Anda dapat menemukan kehidupan yang baru dalam kesehatan dan kuasa untuk melakukan mukjizat yang telah tersedia bagi Anda! 


Dapatkan seri "Kesembuhan" Ini dengan memberikan donasi berapapun jumlahnya!

Kesembuhan (Healing)

1: Dasar-dasar Kesembuhan

2: Bagaimana caranya disembuhkan

3: Menjadi Saluran Kesembuhan

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