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A month of Healing!!

Over the years of ministry I have witnessed many miracles and healings take place. But the last year or so I have been longing for more.. I started reading more books about it, studying it, praying for it.. And, although I was searching for someone else to teach it in my own school.. I ended up teaching it myself, and probably planned that way so I would be challenged in it even more! I took that challenge not just for myself but passed it on to my students and for the first time ever we had a “healing day”. Not for ourselves – but where the students were sent out in groups to go pray for the sick! Many of them chose to walk into hospitals and simply ask the Spirit to guide them room to room to pray for the strangers they met! One of our students gave her phone number to a patient – to receive a phone call that night the woman was healed!! Another student works nights as a cleaner at the hospital. And as he was working he came across an opportunity to use the Anointing Oil he had prayed over at school!

We visited a mother with a kidney disease. When we preached the gospel she didn’t respond but after we prayed over her, she cried and she believed that Jesus is willing to heal her. Then she began laughing and giving thanks to Jesus.Thank you our amazing Jesus.Let our hearts always rejoice because You are very good for us who need You.


I remember a father who has a daughter with lymph cancer in Murni Teguh Hospital. From the emergency room this child should be pumped on her chest as her breath was lost, her father shouted "Jesus .. help my daughter" then the child started breathing again. Her father applied on her the anointing oil I have given previously. In short, now they're home, the child is healthy, everything is possible with Jesus.


I also took some of our second years with me to do an outreach in a village. One of my favourite testimonies of the event was the father of a student who couldn’t walk so he stayed at home. But he could hear me preaching through the speakers. When I prayed over the sick he followed our prayer.. just sitting there alone at home putting his hand on his leg. And he was totally healed!! Another great testimony was this man who had cancer in his throat and the doctors told him he would never speak again. I saw one of our students pray for him and suddenly this elderly man burst into tears! He testified later that he felt Jesus come and touch him.

What an amazing Jesus we have! He doesn’t just save our souls for eternity but He also wants us to have healthy bodies here and now to enjoy life on earth!! The very under taught truth of healing is that is already finished on the cross – you don’t have to wait for God to heal you. This truth has set me free when I was struggling with sickness as well a few years ago. By His stripes you ARE healed! If you are struggling with any sickness or pain today please let me know and I will be happy to stand in faith together with you as you receive your healing that was already purchased for you!! Because healing and miracles are too great a thing to be left out.. All for His glory!


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