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What's the life changing word for 2017?

I wasn't looking for a new theme or word from God for the new year. I was just preparing a Christmas sermon in the middle of December 2016. But as I was reading over Zechariah's prophecy of Jesus' coming in Luke 1:67-80 I suddenly felt the words were leaping off the pages to me! It wasn't just a nice passage we read at Christmas time.. these are promises for us today who already have Jesus in our lives!

Two times I saw the words "without fear" screaming at me from the pages. Can it be?? A life without fear!! The more I thought about it.. the more it excited me. Jesus came to give us a life where we could walk in all He has provided, walk according to the gifts and potential He has given us, walk by His power, without being held back by ourselves listening to the voice of fear!

As I preached the message that Sunday I felt the Holy Spirit take over at times and make declarations over the 2017 year. I felt so excited about this revelation I didn't want to just keep it to our church but wanted to share it with each one of you..!

So, here it is.. the message as I preached it that day:

Or, if you'd prefer, you can download the mp3:

Join me together in a journey of a life without fear in this new year!

For another challenge on this you can check out my Facebook page when I went live on January 1st!

To a great year.. without fear!!


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