Inspired by another nation: Cambodia!

Last year at this time I stood in front of 30 church planters in Cambodia and asked how many had come from Christian families; 3 raised their hands. At that moment I begin to understand just how much growth was taking place in that country!
A year later, standing in the same room, but this time the 30 chairs filled with 30 new faces of church planters I was inspired once again.

Kevin and I enjoyed a wonderful week of training up these church planters who would be sent out to their villages to begin the work right after we were done! He taught the book of Ephesians: grounding them in their identity in Christ, while giving practical wisdom of leadership. I taught the Book of Acts: how we can learn from the first church to walk out the power of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

I thought the week had ended with a special moment of us praying over them, as the Holy Spirit ministered. I saw many tears falling down their faces as they held hands around the room proclaiming "Cambodia will be saved!" But then, they asked to pray for us.. and I was touched and amazed at the new boldness I saw in them as they circled around us, stretching out their hands, and prayed with all their might! It was now my turn to hold back the tears.

We are now back in Malaysia for just a few days before we begin our next adventure in Indonesia including a outreach for children at the end of this month! Even as I write this our students and graduates are practising and preparing for this event! We pray for 100's of lives to be changed!

Thank you for your love and support that sends around to many nations to do this work!