Weekly TV program starts this Saturday!

The moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived.. our new TV show "Life Unlimited" will be broadcasted weekly every Saturday at 10am and 10pm on Indovision's Life Channel (Channel 70).
Saat yang dinanti-nanti akhirnya telah tiba.. acara TV kami yaitu "Life Unlimited" akan tayang mingguan, setiap hari Sabtu jam 10 pagi dan 10 malam di Life Channel Indovision (Channel 70).

This Saturday, Oct 7th will be our first show.. the first of many! We are starting with the Christian Channel of Life Channel with 4 million viewers but believing God will increase our area to even more!
Sabtu ini, tanggal 7 Oktober adalah tayangan perdana kami.. perdana dari episode-episode selanjutnya! Kami mulai dengan channel Kristen yang ditonton 4 juta orang tapi kami percaya Tuhan akan perluas area kami lebih lagi!
If you're in Indonesia.. bergabunglah bersama kami setiap Sabtu untuk mengalami Hidup Tanpa Batas dalam Yesus!
If you're not in Indonesia.. so sorry you can't watch! But please keep supporting us in prayer that this show will reach many and change many lives!!
Jadi ingat..
Life Unlimited bersama Susan Hoover
Setiap Sabtu Jam 10 pagi dan 10 malam
di Life Channel (Indovision Channel 70)
In awe of His favour and grace,